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Baked Swordfish with Rasberry Sauce

Tom and Pam Patterson

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Hello friends,

October is always a fun month for seafood. Some migratory fishes like swordfish and tuna follow the warmer gulf stream waters (and their food source) all the way to the northern Atlantic and sometimes further to Iceland and Europe. In swordfish, their diet can change also as they incorporate more shellfish and therefore more carotenes which can turn their flesh an orangish color. They call these fish "pumpkins" which I always thought was appropriate for October. Some think this gives them even more flavor. I like them either way. October (and colder weather) will bring an end to some fisheries like soft shell crabs and soon to follow will be wild king salmon and halibut from the north Pacific. The extremely heavy rains (and hurricane) put a temporary kibosh on clamming and shrimping in the mid-Atlantic states but rumor has it we will have more fresh shrimp next week, along with our normal array of excellent fresh products. Gotta run, the boat is leaving the dock. See you on the return trip. In the spirit of pumpkins - swordfish will be the October special at $1.00 off per pound.


  • 6 8oz Swordfish filets

  • 6 square pad slices salted butter

  • 6 Tbsp Lemon juice

  • 2 tsp Paprika

  • 2 tsp Garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp pepper

  • Worcestershire Sauce (splash)

  • 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar

  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries

  • 2 Tbsp of honey

  • Fresh thyme


  1. Lay filets on an oiled baking dish . Squeeze lemon juice on top of each piece of fish. Place a square slab of butter on top of each fillet. Sprinkle paprika, garlic powder and black pepper on top of fish.

  2. Bake at 350degrees for 25-30 minutes, finish off under the broiler for 1 minute

  3. Mash the raspberries in a small bowl, whisk in the vinegar, Worcestershire and honey. Spoon the sauce over the fillets Garnish each piece of fish with a sprig of thyme.

Serves 6.

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